Celebrate 28 days of Black History with the National Parks (and KidCitizen)

In celebration of Black History Month, the National Park Service is providing 28 days of ideas for exploring people, places, and stories from more than 400 national parks and communities across the country through National Park Service programs and partners, and for exploring African American heritage throughout the year.

You can find all 28 days of ideas on the National Parks website:

Introduce K-5 students to our National Parks

with the KidCitizen National Parks episode:

In this episode, K-5 children explore how these parks have become symbols of our national heritage and how they offer us opportunities to explore, learn, and connect with the natural world.

Using the power of careful observation and thoughtful reflection, children will learn how to closely examine primary sources and uncover the fascinating details and clues that reveal the awe-inspiring wonders of national parks.

Herbert Snow