Congress and Milk
Congress is a group of people who work together to make laws for our country.
They are elected by the people to represent their interests and make decisions about important issues.
We will explore one way that Congress affects children's daily life at school.
In this episode, children investigate a photograph of a Congressional milking contest.
Through close observation and reflection, students slow down their process of looking and deeply investigate details and hints to construct the story captured in the photograph.
As they explore the photograph, children also learn how Congress has affected their lives by passing laws to include milk in school lunches, and they match different types of food to a school lunch poster from long ago.
Congress and Milk typically takes about 8-10 minutes to play. It is recommended that the episode be introduced during a teacher-facilitated small group or whole-class interaction, and then students may revisit the episode either individually or in small groups. Specific ideas for implementation and many other resources can be found in the Teacher’s Guide.
Recommended citation:
Berson, I. R., Berson, M. J., & Snow, B. (2023). Congress and Milk [App]. Newburyport, MA: Bert Snow & Co. Retrieved from KidCitizen, a Congress, Civic Participation, and Primary Sources Project from the Library of Congress,