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The KidCitizen teachers’ community
Teacher and students in classroom at Whittier Primary School, Hampton, Virginia. 1899-1900. Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 1864-1952, photographer. From the Library of Congress.
Join teachers using KidCitizen on the TPS Teachers Network!
Take advantage of a professional community of teachers using KidCitizen to foster primary source inquiry with young learners.
The TPS (Teaching with Primary Sources) Teachers Network is a professional social media platform designed to host and facilitate community conversations, connections, and collaborations that focus on using Library of Congress primary sources to improve student learning. Network tools support the development and dissemination of effective strategies and resources for teaching with primary sources in K-12 settings.*
More than a mere content repository, the TPS Teachers Network derives its strength from the fostering of professional relationships among users with similar professional interests.
Our KidCitizen community is hosted on the TPS Teachers Network - an online community dedicated to teaching with primary sources, supported by the Library of Congress. (See more details at right!)
In the KidCitizen Group you can:
Find examples and ideas on using KidCitizen with your students.
Ask questions and share your experiences with other teachers and the KidCitizen team.
Learn from a community of teachers interested in primary source inquiry.
Here’s how to join!
Click the Join button below to go to the TPS Teachers Network.
The site will show a popup asking you to login. Click OK.
Then click “Log in” in the center of the screen below the logo.
On the login screen, click the blue “Not a Member: Click Here” button
Fill in your user name, set a password, and follow directions to complete your registration.
Once you’ve joined, search for the KidCitizen group, and join!
We look forward to seeing you there.
And send us a message if we can help you get started. We’ll be happy to.