KidCitizen's first six Episodes are live!

KidCitizen is excited to launch its first set of episodes on November 1.  In the interactive episodes, children explore civics and government concepts by investigating primary source photographs from the Library of Congress.  They also connect what they find with their daily lives. 

KidCitizen episodes capitalize on the active and social nature of young children's learning. They use primary sources for rich demonstrations, interactions, and models of literacy in the course of innovative hands-on activities that make academic content meaningful, build on prior experiences, and foster visual literacy and historical inquiry.

KidCitizen episodes run on PCs, Macs, and iOS and Android mobile devices. The episodes can be accessed from the KidCitizen website All are free to play, and are accompanied by a teacher’s guide.  

The first set of Episodes will include:

  • What are Primary Sources? 
  • Congress and Child Labor
  • Community Helpers
  • Welcome to Congress
  • Snap A Photo: Agent of Change
  • Capture the Flag

KidCitizen is part of the the Congress, Civic Participation, and Primary Sources Project, and is supported by a grant from the Library of Congress.

Herbert Snow