KidCitizen excited to be anchor partner for ISTEs #DigCitCommit
ISTE CEO introduces #DigCitCommit at the ISTE 2019 conference keynote June 25 in Philadelphia.
KidCitizen is excited to be an anchor partner of ISTE’s #DigCitCommit – a new Digital Citizenship program preparing students to stay safe, solve problems, and become a force for good.
What is DigCitCommit?
DigCitCommit will redefine digital citizenship by providing educators with a new set of competencies and updated resources, allowing for the sharing of best research-informed approaches, and by gaining commitments from educators to a deeper collective dedication to digital citizenship.
Why it’s Important
Digital citizenship is a critical competency for the students of today and the leaders of tomorrow. The challenge for all educators is to develop instruction that is focused less on a list of don’ts and more on a proactive approach of do’s that challenge students to stay safe, solve problems, and become a force of positivity. Each day our lives become more intertwined with the digital devices, appliances, and tools around us, yet despite this dizzying pace of change, too often, educators are teaching an outdated form of digital citizenship that falls short of helping students gain the key competencies they need to discern fact from fiction, respectfully listen and debate, and use technology to champion the change they want to see in the world.
How KidCitizen will Contribute
We believe that this work needs to start with young children, developing the foundational skills that underlie becoming a positive contributing citizen of the world, as well as learning skills to be inclusive, informed, engaged, balanced, and safe digital citizens.
KidCitizen will contribute through our work and research, enabling teachers to build young children’s skills in exploring and understanding primary sources (crucial skills for navigating their digital world), as well as their understanding of the broader elements of citizenship in their communities.
Anchor Organizations
Other anchor organizations in DigCitCommit include KQED, Common Sense Media, the Los Angeles Unified School District, Facebook Education, the National Writing Project, Team4Tech, Google, the Media Education Lab, Everfi, Newsela,the National Constitution Center, Wiki Education, Caroline County Schools (Maryland), and the National Institute for Civil Discourse.
Next Steps
You can learn more about #DigCitCommit (and get involved! ) at
Snap a Photo, Agent of Change is a KidCitizen episode you can use right now to explore Sourcing with your students: Who are the authors that created a primary source, their point of view, and intentions.
We’ll share more about plans as they take shape this summer.