New Episode available! A Bird’s Eye View: Wondering with Maps
Children explore a “bird's eye view” of Jefferson City, the capitol of Missouri 1869, Panoramic map by Albert Ruger [Lithograph], 1869. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
We are excited to launch a new KidCitizen episode: A Bird’s Eye View: Wondering with Maps.
It is available now, free to use for teachers and students, thanks to support from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) program.
Our KidCitizen pedagogy focuses on three core skills: SEE, THINK, and WONDER. This new episode focuses on the third skill, WONDERING, where children generate questions about the primary source, and make connections to their own experience.
In this episode, K-2 children analyze a panoramic map of Jefferson City, Missouri, drawn by artist Albert Ruger in 1869.
Children zoom in to explore transportation on the river.
We use this historic panoramic map as an object for active inquiry to engage children in wondering about this representation of a place where people live.
Students closely observe the geographic features -- rivers, shorelines, and farmland -- of the place, along with its plant and animal life and man-made structures.
Children choose things they wonder about most, and explore them further.
Students collect clues in the researcher journal and use them throughout the adventure. There are a number of pathways for inquiry. Students may apply their geographic and historical thinking strategies to wonder about movement of people or reflect on the unique qualities of the area that define it as a place.
Explore and play “A Bird's Eye View: Wondering with Maps”
Another new episode also on the way.
This episode is part of a set of three new episodes being produced this year, each episode focused on one of the three primary source skills.
The other two episodes in production are:
A Close Look at the Miyatake Family:
Carefully observe a photograph of a Japanese American family interned at Manzanar.