New Episode "Congress and Milk" explores one way that Congress impacts children's daily lives today
In the episode, the children investigate an amazing photograph from the Library that involves cows, milk, CongressIONAL REPRESENTATIVES, and the U.S. Capitol building!
Through close observation and reflection, students slow down their process of looking and deeply investigate details and hints to construct the story captured in the photograph.
The central photograph for this episode depicts a Congressional “milking” contest as part of National Milk Day in 1938.
As they explore the photograph, children also learn how Congress has affected their lives by passing laws to include milk in school lunches.
To complete the episode, children identify and match the different kinds of food found in a vintage school lunch poster.
Congress and Milk is designed for K-2 children, and typically takes about 8-10 minutes to play. It is recommended that the episode be introduced during a teacher-facilitated small group or whole-class interaction, and then students may revisit the episode either individually or in small groups. Specific ideas for implementation and many other resources can be found in the Teacher’s Guide.
It runs on Macs, PCs, Chromebooks and iOS or Android tablets, and can be played by students directly from with no sign-in required.
Like all KidCitizen episodes, Congress and Milk is free for students and teachers with support from the Library of Congress.